The Faculty of Computer Science at the University of Koblenz-Landau, Campus
Koblenz, Computer Networks Group, is inviting applications for a
PhD Position (research fellow)
(3 years, full time)
for working within the DFG priority program “Cyber-Physical Networking
(SPP 1914)”. The position is to be filled as soon as possible, limited to 3
years and is subject to the German law on fixed-term contracts in science
(WissZeitVG). Salary will be according to the German public service salary
scale TV-L EGr. 13.
The prospective research assistant will be responsible for the project
“analysis and synthesis of combined cooperative control and topology control
over wireless network models”. This is a joint project between the Computer
Networks Group at the University of Koblenz-Landau and the Institute of
Control Systems at the Hamburg-Harburg Technical University. At both sites
one PhD student is supposed to work in this project context. The PhD student
employed at the University of Koblenz-Landau will research appropriate
adaptation of the time-varying wireless communication graph in multi-agent
systems. Such multi-agent systems are for example autonomous AUV or UAV
robot swarms. Of particular interest are topology control schemes to
maintain the highest level of algebraic connectivity (a condition for
performance and robustness of cooperative control) while reducing the number
of message losses due to interference (modeled in this project with the SINR
model). Focus is on distributed and local solutions with the goal to support
any system scale.
The effectiveness of the developed topology control schemes and their
interaction with distributed control will be evaluated by simulation studies
on some selected distributed control scenarios (e.g. distributed source
seeking based on robot swarms).
We expect:
- An above-average completed scientific university study, preferably in the
area of computer science or mathematics (M.Sc or Diploma).
- Ability to carry out independent scientific work
- Skills to mathematically proof theoretical claims
- Interests to do research in the area of algorithms and graphs
- Very good proficiency in written and spoken English
It is the policy of the University Koblenz-Landau to increase the percentage
of female employees. If equally qualified, preference will be given to
female applicants in fields where they are underrepresented. Disabled
candidates are given priority, if equally qualified. International
candidates are highly encouraged to apply.
Applicants should send their documents (curriculum vitae, qualifications
etc.) quoting the reference number Ko-44/2016, before Jan-31-2017 either by
regular mail to Universität Koblenz-Landau, Ref. K 21 Personal,
Organisation, Wahlen, Universitätsstr. 1, 56070 Koblenz or by email to
bewerbung-fb4(a) Applications after the deadline will be
considered as long as the position is not filled.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Hannes Frey, frey(a)
We do not send a confirmation of receipt. In accordance to the protection of
data privacy all documents will be destroyed after the application
Dr. Florentin Neumann
Computer Networks Group
Institute for Computer Science
University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany
Mail: fneumann(a)
Phone: +49 261 287-2729
Office: B.219 @ Campus Koblenz