We are excited to invite you to the 2nd Hackathon Latvia. Please join our vibrant crowd of international students, developers, hackers and project partners. Register by July 22, 2016 for the premier European developer event on the Quantified Self, fitness trackers, apps, fitness, health, smartwatches, wearables, and other sensors.

COMPETITION: Annual hackathon, a mixture of developer competition, hacker festival and European Summer School, where competing teams develop innovative ideas, prototypes and solutions for different challenges, prizes and awards.

ABOUT: The Hackathon is focused on the topics of quantified self, smart apps, fitness & health, tracking devices and sensor technology, user interfaces and usability. During two weeks, developers, programmers, artists and marketing specialists will be participating in various workshops and lectures related to programming, project management, user experience / interface design and (online) marketing.

BACKGROUND: The event is supported by the Hochschule Kaiserslautern / Germany (http://www.hs-kl.de/) and several commercial project partners. Participating teams at the 2015 Latvia Hackathon developed software / apps for Canyon Bikes' smart bike computer as well as a cycling power meter for Stages Cycling that takes the cyclist's effort into consideration.

REGISTRATION: Participants are requested to register by July 22, 2016 via http://www.nsoria.io/

LOCATION: The Hackathon will take place at the Mercendarbe Manor (lv: Mercendarbes muiža, de: Schloß Merzendorf) in Baldone, Latvia (https://www.facebook.com/MercendarbeManor/). The manor can accommodate 30 guests in the manor, who can choose from apartments in the North and South wing of the building.

Participants may also pitch a tent and connect to a wireless internet connection and power. The accommodation provides bathrooms, meeting rooms, a kitchen and an (optional) full pension including breakfast, lunch and dinner. The Hackathon will provide everything else you need: impossible projects, international participants, and fun.

We are excited to invite you to the 2nd Hackathon Latvia - a hackathon that will be all about the competing teams all geared up for presenting their innovative and creative solutions. We are looking forward to welcoming you in Baldone.

Join us, bring your computer, code or pens and participate!