Hi everyone,

in 2014 a Big Data Community was build together with the Institute of Enterprise Systems at the University of Mannheim. Within one year the community has grown to about 280 members, among them are developers, project managers, founders and students from various fields. Representatives from SAP, BASF, CSC, ABB, Mayato, Codecentric, PWC, lecturers of regional institutions and more.

We are currently looking for more students to join the community. You ask yourself why?

- Close contact with representatives from local Tech-firms
- Learn more about hot topics of Big Data 
- Information exchange and discussion
- No costs or registration, just come by :-) 

For more information see: http://www.meetup.com/de/Big-Data-Mannheim-Rhein-Neckar/

Next Event is on 05.10.2015 6 - 8 pm :

Part 1: Data Analysis and MapReduce with MongoDB and PyMongo (Alexander C. S. Hendorf)

Part 2: Big Data and Analytics - duo infernale? (Prof. Dr. Carsten Felden)

Location: Schloss Westflügel EW 154, University of Mannheim 

Feel free to bring your friends, colleagues, and relatives.

For this event, see: http://www.meetup.com/de/Big-Data-Mannheim-Rhein-Neckar/events/223437356/


All the best
Katharina Doerr