Dear Mannheim students,
The data analysis team within the internal audit department (CF A) for Siemens worldwide
is looking for graduates who are passionate about analyzing data. Please find the detailed
job opening attached.
As a team member of this department and graduate from Mannheim University (Business
Informatics) myself, let me give you a couple of reasons why this position might be
something for you:
- You will be working in a Big4/Consultancy-style-like department, but within a
global player like Siemens
- You are surrounded by experienced high-potential colleagues - this graduate
position is an exception - and can learn from them
- You get the change to travel internationally (not only Germany) at an early stage
of your career
- You can get in contact with a huge range of businesses, departments, products,
projects and processes globally within a relatively short period of time. So you can build
up a relevant network and decide which industry / department might be interesting for a
future career after CF A
- You don't only see the pure IT side, but the business logic behind it
- What you do is relevant - you help Siemens to be compliant and efficient
If you have further questions or want to talk to someone who is not from HR (:)), you can
drop me an email.
Thank you!
Stephanie Biegel
Siemens AG
Controlling and Finance
St.-Martin-Str. 76
81541 München, Deutschland
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