Dear colleagues,
Please note that there are open positions for traineeships (PhD and MSc) at the European
Central Bank (ECB) in the field of stress testing and macroprudential policy. To further
enhance the quality of our team, we particularly encourage applications from students with
excellent academic potential from your University.
The deadline for applying is 22 January.
The Stress Test and Modelling Division is part of the Directorate General Macroprudential
Policy and Financial Stability of the ECB. The Directorate General has approximately 100
staff members providing analyses and policy advice on issues relating to macroprudential
policies, financial stability, financial regulation and financial stability arrangements.
In the Division we conduct model-based analyses for (1) stress tests of the financial
sector, and (2) macroprudential policy impact assessments at the national, euro area and
European Union levels.
In the area of stress testing, we are currently contributing to the upcoming 2018 EU-wide
stress test coordinated by the European Banking Authority, in particular, the top-down,
model-based part of the quality assurance process. In relation to the assessment of
macroprudential policies, we develop models and background studies that inform ECB
macroprudential policy decisions. We also support the activities of the European Systemic
Risk Board and contribute to policy discussions at the European and international levels.
For further information, please follow the links below:
a. PhD traineeship in the field of stress testing and macroprudential
b. Traineeship in the field of stress testing and macroprudential
Best regards,
Aurea Ponte Marques
European Central Bank
Stress Test and Modelling
Macro-Prudential Policy and Financial Stability Dept.
Sonnemannstrasse 20
D-60314 Frankfurt am Main
Tel: +49 69 13444647
Mobile: +49 162 235 5423
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