Liebe Studierende,
zum 7. Mal findet vom 18. bis 23. Februar 2018 wieder die Liechtenstein Winter School on
Business Process Management and Data Science an der Universität Liechtenstein statt.
Interessante Vorlesungen mit Experten aus den Bereichen BPM und Data Science,
Firmenbesuche und ein spannendes Freizeitprogramm in den Bergen Liechtensteins stehen auf
dem Programm.
Gerne können Sie sich bei mir bis zum 08. Dezember 2017 zum Early-Bird-Preis (325€) bei
mir anmelden. Schicken Sie dazu einfach Ihr CV und kurzes Motivationsschreiben an mich.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter<>li>, im Flyer anbei oder in diesem
kurzen Video des letztjährigen Events:
Vielen Dank und herzliche Grüsse,
Christina Mathis
Christina Mathis, B.A.
Koordinatorin Marketing und Organisation
Universität Liechtenstein
Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik
Fürst-Franz-Josef-Strasse, 9490 Vaduz, Liechtenstein
Telefon +423 265 11 11, Direkt +423 265 13 10<>,<>
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Liechtenstein Winter School 2018 – Discover Business Process Management and Data Science
University of Liechtenstein, 18th February (Sunday) – 23th February (Friday), 2018<>
Business processes are everywhere. Tasks such as booking an airline ticket online,
developing a new product, or treating a patient can be viewed as processes crossing
organizational and technological boundaries. According to the analysts of the Gartner
Group, the improvement of end-to-end business processes is the number one business
priority of today's CIOs. Consequently, Business Process Management (BPM) has become a
widely appreciated approach for the analysis and design of organizations and information
systems. In 2018, for the second time the winter school will also focus on Data Science
and therefore on getting to know methodological competences for turning information into
competitive advantage and innovation.
The course is organized by the Hilti Chair of Business Process Management at the Institute
of Information Systems of the University of Liechtenstein, one of the most active BPM and
Data Science research groups in Europe. You will gain a comprehensive understanding of the
contemporary state-of-the-art in BPM and Data Science. Classes are taught by BPM and Data
Science thought leaders from both academia and practice. You will apply the learned
concepts and methods in case studies and exercises. You are expected to read papers and
book chapters that will be assigned prior to attending the course.
Topics covered in the course include:
- Introduction to BPM & Data Science
- Methods for BPM & Data Science
- Best Practice Examples for BPM & Data Science
- BPM: Alignment, Governance and Human Factors
- Data Science: Decision Theory, Technologies and Algorithms
- Early bird registration: 8th December, 2017
- Registration deadline: 19th January, 2018
- Winter School: 18th – 23th February, 2018
The Winter School is especially targeted at Bachelor students. You should have attended
introductory courses in information systems, management studies, or computer science. Your
English skills should be good enough to actively take part in class discussions.
The costs for tuition, accommodation (Arrival: Sunday, 18th February; Departure: Friday,
23th February), meals, and social events are as follows:
Early bird registration: EUR 325
Late registration: EUR 375
Given that your home institution agrees, the course can provide 5 ECTS (you have to pass a
written exam at the end of the week). You may also choose to participate as a noncredit
The Principality of Liechtenstein is located in the Alpine Rhine Valley in the heart of
Europe, surrounded by its neighbors Switzerland and Austria. Liechtenstein is a wonderful
place for a wide range of winter sports, such as snowshoe hiking, sledding, ice skating,
skiing, and snowboarding. The Liechtenstein Winter School will take place at the
University of Liechtenstein in Vaduz.
- Prof. Dr. Jan vom Brocke, University of Liechtenstein
- Dr. Bernd Schenk, University of Liechtenstein
- Dr. Armin Stein, University of Muenster
- Prof. Wil van der Aalst, Eindhoven University of Technology
- Prof. Ulrike Baumoel, FernUniversitaet in Hagen
- Prof. Joerg Becker, University of Muenster
- Prof. Marlon Dumas, University of Tartu
- Prof. Ulrich Frank, University Duisburg-Essen
- Prof. Roland Holten, Goethe University Frankfurt
- Prof. Dimitris Karagiannis, University of Vienna
- Prof. Peter Loos, Universitaet des Saarlandes
- Prof. Marco de Marco, Universita Cattolica Milan
- Prof. Wolfgang Mathera, IPM Austria
- Prof. Jan Mendling, WU Vienna
- Prof. Jan Recker, Queensland University of Technology
- Prof. Hajo Reijers, Eindhoven University of Technology
- Prof. Michael Rosemann, Queensland University of Technology
- Prof. Eric Schoop, Technical University Dresden
- Prof. Gerhard Schwabe, University of Zuerich
- Prof. Reima Suomi, Turku School of Economics
- Prof. Robert Winter, University of St. Gallen
- Prof. Mathias Weske, Hasso-Plattner-Institute Potsdam
- Prof. Hans-Dieter Zimmermann, University of Applied Science St.Gallen
- Prof. Michael zur Muehlen, Stevens Institute of Technology
- IS:link: Information Systems Student Exchange Network
- ERCIS: European Research Center for Information Systems
- LCAIS: Liechtenstein Chapter of the Association for Information Systems
The capacities for the Liechtenstein Winter School are limited. We therefore ask you to
send us a short application with your CV via e-mail to Ms. Christina Mathis
(<>). Please note that due to
the scope of the Winter School we will give priority to applications from Bachelor
For further information and questions regarding the application process please contact Ms.
Christina Mathis (<>) or visit
our website<>li>.