Dear students!
We are a group of EMBA students of the ESSEC&MANNHEIM Business School.
In the framework of our entrepreneurial project we are conducting a survey about students and what their needs are concerning the preparation for their future career. We focus in particular on students in the field of business administration and information systems .
This study is being performed in cooperation with the ESSEC&MANNHEIM Business School.
The survey is anonymous; please do not write your name. It is very short and will take you less than 3 minutes!
To participate, please click on the following link:
In addition to this online survey, we are also interested in meeting with students to discuss with them our project idea in more detail and ask their opinion about it.
If you agree to give us 30 min-1hr of your time for such a discussion, please contact us via e-mail, and we will come to your University to meet with you (EP2008(a)live.de )
Thank you very much for your participation!
Kind regards
Isanthe, Giuliana, Raquel, Mirko, and Ali.
Neu: Mit Live Search Ihre Stadt in der Vogelperspektive!
Liebe Studierende,
die Fakultät veranstaltet für alle Studierenden, die im August an einer der
Wiederholungsklausuren des ersten Studienjahres teilnehmen wollen,
in der Woche vom 04. 08. August 2008 und in der Woche vom 11. 15. August
Viele Grüße,
Noemi Huber
Universität Mannheim
Dekanat der Fakultät für
Mathematik und Informatik
B6, 26
68131 Mannheim
Tel.: 0621-181-2415
Fax: 0621-181-2423