Einladung vom Lehrstuhl PI1 Freiling f�r alle Interessierten
Ben Stock
zum Vortrag von
Dr. Jianying Zhou, Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R), Singapore
Freitag, 23.3. um 15:30
Universitaet Mannheim, Gebaeude A5, Raum C116
Security for Dynamic Sensor Networks
In this talk, I will first introduce security R&D in Institute for
Infocomm Research (I2R) and our major research areas, then focus on
wireless sensor network security. I will consider 2 challenging issues
for securing dynamic sensor networks in which sensor nodes are allowed
to move. I will present a key drifting protocol that allows any pair
of nodes to establish a shared key in dynamic sensor networks with
negligible communication overhead. I will also present a hybrid method
for detection of node compromise in dynamic sensor networks.
Short Bio:
Jianying Zhou (
http://icsd.i2r.a-star.edu.sg/staff/jianying/) is a
senior scientist at Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R), and heads
the Network Security Group. He worked in China, Singapore, and USA
before joining I2R. He also holds adjunct positions at universities in
China, Singapore, and Spain. He received PhD in Information Security
from University of London in 1997. His research interests are in
computer and network security, cryptographic protocols, mobile
communications security, and secure electronic commerce. He has
published over 100 referred papers at international conferences and
journals, and served over 80 times in international conference
committees as general chair, program chair, publication chair and PC
member. He is also a co-founder and steering committee member of ACNS